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Version: Latest-3.2



Creates a storage volume for a remote storage system. This feature is supported from v3.1.

A storage volume consists of the properties and credential information of the remote data storage. You can reference a storage volume when you create databases and cloud-native tables in a shared-data StarRocks cluster.


Only users with the CREATE STORAGE VOLUME privilege on the SYSTEM level can perform this operation.


TYPE = { S3 | AZBLOB }
LOCATIONS = ('<remote_storage_path>')
[ COMMENT '<comment_string>' ]
("key" = "value",...)


storage_volume_nameThe name of the storage volume. Please note that you cannot create a storage volume named builtin_storage_volume because it is used to create the builtin storage volume. For the naming conventions, see System limits.
TYPEThe type of the remote storage system. Valid values: S3 and AZBLOB. S3 indicates AWS S3 or S3-compatible storage systems. AZBLOB indicates Azure Blob Storage (supported from v3.1.1 onwards).
LOCATIONSThe storage locations. The format is as follows:
  • For AWS S3 or S3 protocol-compatible storage systems: s3://<s3_path>. <s3_path> must be an absolute path, for example, s3://testbucket/subpath. Note that if you want to enable the Partitioned Prefix feature for the storage volume, you can only specify the bucket name, and specifying a sub-path is not allowed.
  • For Azure Blob Storage: azblob://<azblob_path>. <azblob_path> must be an absolute path, for example, azblob://testcontainer/subpath.
COMMENTThe comment on the storage volume.
PROPERTIESParameters in the "key" = "value" pairs used to specify the properties and credential information to access the remote storage system. For detailed information, see PROPERTIES.


The table below lists all available properties of storage volumes. Following the table are the usage instructions of these properties, categorized by different scenarios from the perspectives of Credential information and Features.

enabledWhether to enable this storage volume. Default: false. Disabled storage volume cannot be referenced.
aws.s3.regionThe region in which your S3 bucket resides, for example, us-west-2.
aws.s3.endpointThe endpoint URL used to access your S3 bucket, for example,
aws.s3.use_aws_sdk_default_behaviorWhether to use the default authentication credential of AWS SDK. Valid values: true and false (Default).
aws.s3.use_instance_profileWhether to use Instance Profile and Assumed Role as credential methods for accessing S3. Valid values: true and false (Default).
  • If you use IAM user-based credential (Access Key and Secret Key) to access S3, you must specify this item as false, and specify aws.s3.access_key and aws.s3.secret_key.
  • If you use Instance Profile to access S3, you must specify this item as true.
  • If you use Assumed Role to access S3, you must specify this item as true, and specify aws.s3.iam_role_arn.
  • And if you use an external AWS account, you must specify this item as true, and specify aws.s3.iam_role_arn and aws.s3.external_id.
aws.s3.access_keyThe Access Key ID used to access your S3 bucket.
aws.s3.secret_keyThe Secret Access Key used to access your S3 bucket.
aws.s3.iam_role_arnThe ARN of the IAM role that has privileges on your S3 bucket in which your data files are stored.
aws.s3.external_idThe external ID of the AWS account that is used for cross-account access to your S3 bucket.
azure.blob.endpointThe endpoint of your Azure Blob Storage Account, for example,
azure.blob.shared_keyThe Shared Key used to authorize requests for your Azure Blob Storage.
azure.blob.sas_tokenThe shared access signatures (SAS) used to authorize requests for your Azure Blob Storage.
aws.s3.enable_partitioned_prefixWhether to enable the Partitioned Prefix feature for the storage volume. Default: false. For more information about this feature, see Partitioned Prefix.
aws.s3.num_partitioned_prefixThe number of prefixes to be created for the storage volume. Default: 256. Valid range: [4, 1024].

Credential information

  • If you use the default authentication credential of AWS SDK to access S3, set the following properties:

    "enabled" = "{ true | false }",
    "aws.s3.region" = "<region>",
    "aws.s3.endpoint" = "<endpoint_url>",
    "aws.s3.use_aws_sdk_default_behavior" = "true"
  • If you use IAM user-based credential (Access Key and Secret Key) to access S3, set the following properties:

    "enabled" = "{ true | false }",
    "aws.s3.region" = "<region>",
    "aws.s3.endpoint" = "<endpoint_url>",
    "aws.s3.use_aws_sdk_default_behavior" = "false",
    "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "false",
    "aws.s3.access_key" = "<access_key>",
    "aws.s3.secret_key" = "<secrete_key>"
  • If you use Instance Profile to access S3, set the following properties:

    "enabled" = "{ true | false }",
    "aws.s3.region" = "<region>",
    "aws.s3.endpoint" = "<endpoint_url>",
    "aws.s3.use_aws_sdk_default_behavior" = "false",
    "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "true"
  • If you use Assumed Role to access S3, set the following properties:

    "enabled" = "{ true | false }",
    "aws.s3.region" = "<region>",
    "aws.s3.endpoint" = "<endpoint_url>",
    "aws.s3.use_aws_sdk_default_behavior" = "false",
    "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "true",
    "aws.s3.iam_role_arn" = "<role_arn>"
  • If you use Assumed Role to access S3 from an external AWS account, set the following properties:

    "enabled" = "{ true | false }",
    "aws.s3.region" = "<region>",
    "aws.s3.endpoint" = "<endpoint_url>",
    "aws.s3.use_aws_sdk_default_behavior" = "false",
    "aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "true",
    "aws.s3.iam_role_arn" = "<role_arn>",
    "aws.s3.external_id" = "<external_id>"

If you use GCP Cloud Storage, set the following properties:

"enabled" = "{ true | false }",

-- For example: us-east-1
"aws.s3.region" = "<region>",

-- For example:
"aws.s3.endpoint" = "<endpoint_url>",

"aws.s3.access_key" = "<access_key>",
"aws.s3.secret_key" = "<secrete_key>"

If you use MinIO, set the following properties:

"enabled" = "{ true | false }",

-- For example: us-east-1
"aws.s3.region" = "<region>",

-- For example:
"aws.s3.endpoint" = "<endpoint_url>",

"aws.s3.access_key" = "<access_key>",
"aws.s3.secret_key" = "<secrete_key>"
Azure Blob Storage

Creating a storage volume on Azure Blob Storage is supported from v3.1.1 onwards.

  • If you use Shared Key to access Azure Blob Storage, set the following properties:

    "enabled" = "{ true | false }",
    "azure.blob.endpoint" = "<endpoint_url>",
    "azure.blob.shared_key" = "<shared_key>"
  • If you use shared access signatures (SAS) to access Azure Blob Storage, set the following properties:

    "enabled" = "{ true | false }",
    "azure.blob.endpoint" = "<endpoint_url>",
    "azure.blob.sas_token" = "<sas_token>"

The hierarchical namespace must be disabled when you create the Azure Blob Storage Account.


Partitioned Prefix

From v3.2.4, StarRocks supports creating storage volumes with the Partitioned Prefix feature for S3-compatible object storage systems. When this feature is enabled, StarRocks stores the data into multiple, uniformly prefixed partitions (sub-paths) under the bucket. It can easily multiply StarRocks' read and write performance on data files stored in the bucket because the QPS or throughput limit of the bucket is per partition.

To enable this feature, set the following properties in addition to the above credential-related parameters:

"aws.s3.enable_partitioned_prefix" = "{ true | false }",
"aws.s3.num_partitioned_prefix" = "<INT>"
  • The Partitioned Prefix feature is only supported for S3-compatible object storage systems, that is, the TYPE of the storage volume must be S3.
  • LOCATIONS of the storage volume must only contain the bucket name, for example, s3://testbucket. Specifying a sub-path after the bucket name is not allowed.
  • Both properties are immutable once the storage volume is created.
  • You cannot enable this feature when create a storage volume by using the FE configuration file fe.conf.


Example 1: Create a storage volume my_s3_volume for the AWS S3 bucket defaultbucket, use the IAM user-based credential (Access Key and Secret Key) to access S3, and enable it.

LOCATIONS = ("s3://defaultbucket/test/")
"aws.s3.region" = "us-west-2",
"aws.s3.endpoint" = "",
"aws.s3.use_aws_sdk_default_behavior" = "false",
"aws.s3.use_instance_profile" = "false",
"aws.s3.access_key" = "xxxxxxxxxx",
"aws.s3.secret_key" = "yyyyyyyyyy"

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